Styleguide Styleguide

Color palette

Primary brand colors

The primary colors of the OLAS brand are Teal, Coral, and Black. The colors are used throughout the brand to convey a consistent and distinctive presence in all contexts.

  • Teal

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  • Coral

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  • Black

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The primary colors serve in distinct roles.

  • Teal and Coral are the key highlight colors of the palette. They provide texture and are supposed to evoke ideas and concepts around flow and movement, much like water does.

  • Black is only used for text, though lighter tints which are shaded slightly blue can be used for washes.

Tints and shades

A range of intermediary tints and shades, derived from the primary palette, are available as secondary color options.

OLAS's color palette

When designers build branded collateral, they must use these specific color shades instead of modifying the brightness or ink density of the primary colors. The brand palette is meant to feel bold and lively; these colors have been chosen to preserve that characteristic throughout the range, and to avoid any washed-out or muddy tones.

Color usage

  • Use black and its tints for most applications (e.g. user interface components, layout elements, etc.). This is the neutral color and should be the default choice in most cases.
  • Use teal and coral to highlight and draw attention to key elements or information.
  • Text should be rendered in primary black in most contexts. For secondary text (e.g. copyright or legal small-print, image captions, etc.), a lighter tint of black works well.
  • In print applications, body text can be set with 100% black (key plate only).